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Come on, come outside! Summer’s here, and it’s been waiting for you to play! Even though we’re all social distancing this summer, there are lots of ways to have fun—safely—in the great outdoors. Try these for starters.

1. Get on the Water.

Swimming is a great way to keep cool as long as you’re able to keep a safe distance from other swimmers. If nearby pools and beaches are jammed, try getting on some solo-powered watercraft, like paddleboards, single-person kayaks and canoes, where the social distancing (and fun) is just built-in.

For a more zestful paddle, bring along a cooler full of iced Zest Tea Blue Lady tea, spiked with Caliper CBD–and plenty of orange slices to complement the orange pekoe, hibiscus, and passion fruit blend.

Try solo-powered watercraft, like kayaks, canoes, and paddleboards–the social distancing (and fun) is built in.

2. Take a hike.

Walking or hiking gets you outside at your own pace, with plenty of space between you and anyone else on the trails. Avoid super-crowded parks and trails, and look for the offbeat, less-popular ones that will give you room to breathe freely and safely (check out to find a trail near you). Time your visit to avoid peak hours.

To help keep you hydrated and energized, how about filling your water bottle with some refreshing iced Zest Tea Superberry Samba tea, and sprinkle in some Caliper CBD? You’ll love the açai, strawberry and passionfruit flavors and the extra chill.

3. Get fishing.

When a long fishing pole is standard equipment, keeping a safe distance from others is a no-brainer. Be sure to wear a mask, and if you’re fishing from a boat, make sure it’s big enough so that you and your companions can keep 6 feet apart. To minimize potential for disease spread, try to fish locally. Check out to find a spot near you.

If you’re getting a (way) early morning start, bring a vacuum-insulated container full of hot, high-caffeine tea such as Zest Tea Earl Grey, and sprinkle in some Caliper CBD. You’ll wake up with as much caffeine as a cup of coffee, but with the calming balance of CBD. So no more jitters as you hold that pole steady!

4. (Pedal) Power Through.

With many people still working from home due to COVID restrictions, there are fewer cars on the road these days. What a perfect time to hop on a bike and burn some miles on your own power! Bonus: being on a bike means you’ll almost always be at least 6 feet apart from anyone else, so you’ll be social distancing without a thought. To find safe bike paths near you, use an app such as or Google Bike Maps.

COVID silver lining: With fewer cars on the road, it’s a perfect time to road bike.

Don’t forget to bring along a water bottle. To make things a little more interesting, fill it with iced Zest Tea Cinnamon Apple Tea, with a packet of Caliper CBD sprinkled in. The apple-cinnamon zing, plus CBD relief, will give you and your hardworking muscles a soothing lift. 

5. Enjoy your fitness class outside.

With gyms closed, fitness teachers have been getting more creative, and using the great outdoors as their setting–whether it’s yoga on the beach, tai chi in the park or boot camps in the park. Check your gym or community center to find out where you can catch a class, and bring your mask along. And, if nothing’s available, try streaming an online fitness class from the comfort (and fresh air) of your backyard!

A water bottle filled with iced Zest Tea Pomegranate Mojito and a sprinkle of Caliper CBD is the perfect workout partner. You’ll get all the refreshment of antioxidant-rich green tea, pomegranate, mint and lime, plus CBD to help soothe an achy body.  

So, don’t let a little social distance come between you and a great summer. Get out and enjoy, and don’t forget to stay hydrated!  With Caliper CBD and a refreshing tea-based beverage, you’ve got the right ingredients for an awesome day of play!

The post 5 Social Distance-Approved Adventures Everyone Should Go On This Summer appeared first on Caliper Dissolvable Powder.

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